Monday, June 28, 2010

Cooks !!!!!

All the great work that he crew's do is through the GRAT MEALS that the Doug Kepp, Jim Post and Julie Kanaga prepare for us. We really are fortunate. While the crews hammer & nail, the cooks deal with things like the van battery going dead TWICE today, as well as getting up extra early to keep us on time. Breakfast, lunch (with fruit & snacks), dinner (with desert) and an evening snack !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 70 people - THANK YOU!


  1. well, guess you're having fun cooks do it with heat! batteries to desert and everything in between. Charlene just wants a burger AZ style! Hello from memphis.

  2. With cooks like that you'll be fed well!

  3. Love those cooks! Miss you, Doug. Weather is great here...sorry! God 's blessings to all there! Doug's Other Half.
